Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Method of Debating

Method is the structure and organization of the speech. It can be contrasted with the
presentation style of the speech (manner) and the content of the speech (matter).

The elements of method are:
 (a) Responsiveness
The structure of one speech will be affected by previous speeches and will affect subsequent speeches. Debaters must organise their speech to support their team and respond to their opposition. A good example of this aspect of debating is when one team makes a concession. esponsiveness impacts on both method (for the reasons above) and matter. In terms of matter, the response should be assessed for its logic and relevance

(b) Structure
The second element of method is structure.  
 Speech structure
A second aspect of a speaker’s structure is the performance by each speaker of certain duties. Failure to perform these duties may detract from the effectiveness of the team performance. Adjudicators must assess the quality of performance of the duties; not mere performance
The duties  of each speaker :

·           First affirmative speaker
Define the topic – set out affirmative’s interpretation of the topic , identify issues which will be in contention, Present team structure- team line – team split,Present arguments allocated to the first speaker
·           First negative speaker
Identify major areas of initial disagreement with the affirmative case – include any disagreement about the definition – rebut the major affirmative arguments. Present team structure – team line – team split .Present arguments allocated to the first speaker.
·           Second speaker
Identify the major areas of disagreement with the other team – include definitional issues which are still in  contention – rebut major arguments. Defend own case against rebuttal by previous speaker(s). Present arguments allocated to second speaker
·         Third speaker
Present an overview of the debate – identify the essentialissues upon which the teams disagree – rebut theimportant aspects of the opposing team’s case – defend own team’s case against attack – summarise own case.

Team structure
Debating is a team activity and each speaker must be considered in their team role as well as their individual role. In considering team method, adjudicators assess whether the structure adopted by the team was effective. A team structure will be most effective when it possesses a single, consistent theme (sometimes referred to as a team line), chunks of which are assigned to each speaker (sometimes referred to as the team split).
4.3 Particular method issues
(a)   Under-time and over-time speeches
In a debate, each speaker is allocated time to deliver their speech. The allocation usually takes the form of a minute mark (for example eight minutes), with a warning bell sounded one or two minutes before this time. One aspect of effective speech organisation is the speaker’s ability to complete the material within the allocated time.  A short speech may also affect matter marks through a lack of argument
(b) New matter from third negative speakers
This issue is fully discussed in the matter chapter. Briefly, a third negative speaker is
not permitted to introduce any new matter. If any new matter is introduced, it does not score any matter marks and it will usually attract a method penalty because it’s a wasted period of the speech – a failure of both organisation and strategy
(c) Overemphasis of method
 These days it is common to see adjudicators give high or low method marks (13 or 17) and to adopt a far more conservative approach to marking manner and matter (rarely deviating between the marks of 28 and 32). The answer to this over-use of method is to restore balance to the marking of debates and to achieve some parity in method marking versus matter and manner marking.

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