Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011


  • Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the …..round of ….english debate.
  • Today’s motion is ………………….
  • Acting as the government team is from ….(institution)

  • Mr/Ms                                     as the first speaker
  • Mr/Ms                                     as the second speaker
  • And Mr/Ms                             as the third speaker

And Acting as the opposition is from …(institution)

  • Mr/Ms                                     as the first speaker
  • Mr/Ms                                     as the second speaker
  • And Mr/Ms                             as the third speaker

#To begin the case of the government, please welcome the first speaker. To Mr/Ms………..Floor is yours
The first speaker of government team spent ……

#To open the case of the opposition, please welcome the first speaker. To Mr/Ms………..Floor is yours
The first speaker of the opposition spent…….

#Please welcome the second speaker of the government team. To Mr/Ms…..Floor is yours
The second speaker of government team spent ……

#Please welcome the second speaker of the opposition team. To Mr/Ms…..Floor is yours
The second speaker of government team spent ……

#To close the case of government, please welcome the last substantive speech from Mr/Ms…….. Floor is yours
The third speaker of government team spent …….

#To close the case of opposition, please welcome the last substantive speech from Mr/Ms…….. Floor is yours
The third speaker of opposition team spent …….

That was the end of the debate. All of audiences please leave the room and let the adjudicators prepare the verbal adjudication.

That was the verbal adjudication. The winner of this round is……with the margin of…..
Congratulation and see you in the next round.

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